In the following table operators grouped together in a section have the same precedence. For example, the first four entries in this table (), [], ., and -> all share the same precedence. These four operators follow the rule of Left-to-Right associativity which is used as a tie breaker when two or more of these appear in the same expression. The next group of operators starting with + and ending with (type) all share the next level of precedence.
Operator Description Associativity
( )
[ ]
Parenthesized Expression
Array Subscript
Structure Member
Structure Pointer
Left - to - Right
+ -
++ - -
! ~
Unary + and - (Postitive and Negative Signs)
Increment and Decrement
Logical NOT and Bitwise Complement
Dereference (Pointer)
Address of
Size of Expression or Type
Explicit Typecast
Right - to - Left
* / % Multiply, Divide, and Modulus Left - to - Right
+ - Add and Subtract Left - to - Right
« » Shift Left and Shift Right Left - to - Right
< <=
> >=
Less Than and Less Than or Equal To
Greater Than and Greater Than or Equal To
Left - to - Right
== != Equal To and Not Equal To Left - to - Right
& Bitwise AND Left - to - Right
^ Bitwise XOR Left - to - Right
| Bitwise OR Left - to - Right
&& Logical AND Left - to - Right
|| Logical OR Left - to - Right
?: Conditional Operator Right - to - Left
+= -=
/= *=
«= »=
&= |=
Addition and Subtraction Assignments
Division and Multiplication Assignments
Modulus Assignment
Shift Left and Shift Right Assignments
Bitwise AND and OR Assignements
Bitwise XOR Assignment
Right - to - Left
, Comma Operator Left - to - Right
When expressions contain multiple operators, their precedence determines the order of evaluation
Expression Effective Expression
a - b * c a - (b * c)
a + ++b a + (++b)
a + ++b * c a + ((++b)*c)

If functions are used in an expression, there is no set order of evaluation for the functions themselves.
e.g. x = f() + g()
There is no way to know if f() or g() will be evaluated first.


If two operators have the same precedence, their associativity determines the order of evaluation.
Expression Associativity Effective Expression
x / y % z Left - to - Right (x / y) % z
x = y = z Right - to - Left x = (y = z)
~++x Right - to - Left ~(++x)

You can rely on these rules, but it is good programming practice to explicitly group elements of an expression by using parentheses.

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