Guide to Connect to Microchip 2D Touch Surface Utility

The Microchip 2D Touch Surface Utility is a PC tool that allows you to visually debug data from a touch surface project. This article provides guidelines on how to use this tool.

The Microchip 2D Touch Surface Utility can be downloaded from the Microchip website.

Connection Overview

The debug data is sent by the touch MCU through the debug interface. The debug data can be connected to a PC through the UART-RS232 interface or UART-USB interface.

Using COM Port




Note: EDBG enumerates as USB-CDC.

Connecting to Kit


Open Microchip 2D Touch Surface Utility. The interface selection page opens.


Select UART and the correct COM port.

Note: At this time, only UART interface is supported.


Enter the correct baud rate.

Note: Default baud rate is 38400 for AVR and 115200 for SAM.


Click Apply.



Debug window opens as follows:


Configure Touch Page

By default, the Configure Touch tab opens as shown below. Using text and graphical formats, this page displays touch delta value, threshold, and position.


You can update parameters like filter level and the threshold of horizontal and vertical channels using the Primary Settings window in the Configure Touch tab as shown below.


After updating the desired parameter, click Write to Controller.

Note: These changes are stored in non-volatile memory

Configure Gestures Page

The Configure Gestures tab displays gesture parameters in graphical format.


You can update gesture parameters such as distance and timings using the Primary Settings window in the Configure Gestures tab as follows:


After updating the desired parameter, click Write to Controller.

Note: These changes are stored in non-volatile memory. Information on gesture parameters can be found on the "Glossary of Touch Terms" page.

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