Guide to Install Touch Sensor Plugin in Altium Designer®

The Microchip Touch Sensor plugin in Altium Designer® provides an easy and intuitive way to design capacitive touch sensors. The plugin reduces the effort and time involved in generating complex touch sensor patterns. This article provides information on installing the Microchip Touch Sensor plugin into Altium Designer.


Open Altium Designer. Click on the Profile button (shown below) at the top-right of the main application window and then choose the Extensions and Updates option.



From the Purchased page, search for Microchip Touch Sensor or scroll down and look for the Microchip Touch Sensor Plugin.



Select the Microchip Touch Sensor extension and install it. Make sure the Supporting Altium Version information is in line with the Altium Designer version before installing.



After installation, Altium Designer must be restarted to complete the installation/update process. Proceed with a restart for the changes to take effect. Verify through Windows Explorer that Microchip Touch Sensors is now available, for a default installation, in the folder: \Users\Public\Documents\Altium\AD<VersionNumber>\Library\Microchip Touch.

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