For additional support related to issues and limitations, please contact Design Support.
Important Information
QTouch® Consolidated Spreadsheet
The following QTouch Consolidated Spreadsheet contains information related to the QTouch Library and Peripheral Touch Controller (PTC).
The spreadsheet contains the following information:
- Supported Devices
- QTouch Library Changelog and Version Information
- List of Kit Example Projects
- PTC Information for Supported Devices
- Typical Pad Capacitance Values of Various PTC Devices
- Pin Out Compatibility of MCU Xplained Pro with QTx Xplained Pro Extension Kits
Release 7.5 – April 2021
QTouch Configurator Updates 7.5
- Debug tab is renamed to Tune.
- Charge Time Autotune option is moved to Tune tab.
- Charge Time Autotune usage guideline is displayed as a message when charge time autotune option is enabled.
QTouch Library Updates 7.5
New Feature
- QTouch Libraries compiled with XC8 is added. Now users can get maximum benefit on code saving when using QTouch library.
Bug Fixes
- Key’s module is updated to recalibrate all the nodes in a boost mode (4P) instead of a particular boost mode. This update to the key’s module is recommended if boost mode is used.
- One-Touch Surface library has issues for 2x2 configuration. That is fixed.
Release 7.4 – September 2020
QTouch Configurator Updates 7.4
New Features
- The Low-power, Lump, and Boost mode features can be enabled on the Canvas page.
- Configure as Low-power button is included in the canvas to create a low-power sensor (in addition to the existing right-click option)
- Create Lump button is included in the canvas to create a lump sensor (in addition to the existing right-click option)
- Enabling Boost Mode option is now available on Canvas page (Previously it was on Parameters > Sensors page)
QTouch Library Updates 7.4
- AVRDA device supported is extended to 64K and 32K memory variants.
- There is an additional scaling introduced in the Boost Mode library.
- Previous Library: The resulting signal value is ~1024 for gain setting 1 (Delta is 4 times comparing to the normal touch library).
- Current Library: The signal value is scaled by 2 to get ~512 for gain setting 1 (Delta is 2 times comparing to the normal touch library).
- By default, the binding layer is removed from all touch examples.
Bug Fixes
- In previous releases, for SAMD2x device, if the user configures 20 msec, measurement happens every 40 msec. This is fixed.
Known Issues
- In ATtiny devices, there is an issue in Pin assignment of mutual cap surface.
Release 7.3.1 – July 2020
- AVR128DAxx example projects are updated to be compatible with new MCU8 drivers (no change in functionality).
Bug Fixes
- The bug, "The Boost mode option is visible for all devices", is fixed. Now, the Boost Mode option is visible only for the supported devices.
Known Issues
- MCU8 team has updated AVR-DA device drivers. So, previously generated AVR128DAxx projects may not load properly (this is not specific to touch).
Release 7.3 – May 2020
QTouch Configurator Updates 7.3
New Features
- Support to add BSW (Button/Slider/Wheel) Plus Surface has been given.
- Pins view has been modified accordingly.
- User must include BSW first and then add surface. It is not allowed to create surface first and then BSW.
- For mutual cap with both BSW and surface, only matrix view is supported.
- 4P parallel acquisition has been renamed to Boost mode
- When Boost mode is enabled, oversamples value on the GUI are multiplied by 4 to indicate effective oversamples with Boost mode
Bug Fixes
- Start not able to generate the project with some bsw sensors and debug configs changed.
QTouch Library Updates 7.3
New Features
- Option to generate BSW (Button/Slider/Wheel) plus surface project is included.
- It is possible to generate, low-power with surface and lump with surface (User must care for saturation if surface is lumped)
- Option to generate Surface + Boost Mode is included. Refer to Cross Slider Surface Operation with Boost Mode to know how it works.
Bug Fix
- Bug related to wheel's position calculation is fixed in Scroller module
- User needs to update to newer scroller module if wheel sensor is used - no update needed if only slider is used
- Default CPU clock for SAMHA1 device is modified to OSC8M instead of DFLL - extended temperature range can cause significant deviation on the reference clock.
Known Issues
- When enabling low-power with surface, debugging using surface utility may not work - use surface utility without low-power.
- The Boost mode option is visible for all devices, but only applicable to the following devices:
- SAML10, L11, AVR128DAxx, ATttiny161x, and ATtiny321x.
Release 7.2 – February 2020
QTouch Configurator Updates 7.2
New Features
- AVRDA related changes
- Warning message included indicating that the process will be slower when more than 64 nodes are added.
Bug Fixes
- Issue fix to display Clock information properly in the Internet Explorer.
- Default PTC prescaler values are not properly selected for lumps sensors - this is fixed.
QTouch Library Updates 7.2
New Features
- AVRDA Device support- Normal acquisition, Parallel Sensing, Buttons/Sliders/Wheels/Surface/Gesture, Low Power, Lump features are supported.
- Current surface modules support up to 16 Horizontal and Vertical Channels. New Surface modules added to support up to 32 Horizontal and Vertical channels - Currently supported only for AVRDA device. Module IDs (0x003b - one touch and 0x003c - two touch).
- When the user tries to compile a touch project for XC8 or XC32 compiler (MPLAB X), a warning message is included to use GCC or IAR compiler.
Example Project Addition
- AVRDA Curiosity Nano QT7 XPRO Touch Project
- AVRDA Curiosity Nano QT8 XPRO Touch Project
- AVRDA Curiosity Nano T10 XPRO Touch Project
Known Issues
- Minimum IAR version needed is IAR EWAVR 7.20.7 for AVR-DA support. Please refer to Known Issue related to importing a project from START to IAR.
- QT8 example AVR DA does not have LED support. Works only with Surface Utility GUI.
Release 7.1 - January 2020
QTouch Configurator Updates 7.1
Bug Fixes
- The issue related to SAM E5x and SAM D5x PTC clock in the Parameters tab is fixed.
QTouch Library Updates 7.1
Bug fixes
- Number of sensor field "num_sensors" is updated to uint16_t in "qtm_freq_hop_0x0006_api.h" to support 256 channels. This resolves the issue related to frequency hop module in Release 7.0
Release 7.0 - November 2019
QTouch Configurator Updates 7.0
New Features
- The clock-change warning message, which appears when a new sensor is added, now lists the changes which happen in the background when the user selects Yes.
- A warning in the notification tab is added, if the user selects No in the clock-change warning message. This warning message has a link that describes the procedure for manual configuration.
- Graphical representation of the input clock, available prescaler values, and PTC clock frequencies are displayed in the parameter tab.
- The maximum configured PTC frequency is displayed on the summary page.
QTouch Library Updates 7.0
New Features
- The minimum and maximum PTC clock frequency details are added.
- Updated the prescaler values in api.h files to include the internal prescaler division factor.
- For example, in ATtiny3217, the prescaler values from 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 are updated to 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 (to include a fixed internal division factor of 2). Similarly, all prescaler values are updated for all other devices.
Bug fixes
- Acquisition Library is updated for ATtiny161x and ATtiny321x to use an internal driver instead of pad driver. This is to fix the noise issue that occurs on the Rev C 3217 device and PORTC pins.
- Issue fix for IAR Project non-Compilation in ATTiny3217. There is change only in the compiler version and the module version is not updated. The following modules are updated for ATtiny81x, ATtiny161x, and ATtiny321x:
- Acquisition
- Binding layer
- Frequency hop
- Frequency hop autotune
- Scroller
- Key
- Surface
- Gesture
Known issues:
- ATSAME5x and ATSAMD5x input clock for PTC is displayed as 48 MHz even after the user selects Yes for automatic clock setting. This issue is due to the clock not being properly updated on the clocks page. The workaround is to click on the clock configurator after adding all the sensors and before downloading the project.
- Frequency Hop module may not work as intended for GCC/IAR. It is recommended to use Frequency Hop autotune instead.
- The ‘atstart file’ generated before START QTouch 7.0 release will not be directly compatible and hence, return a warning. To rectify it, click here.
Release 6.5 - September 2019
QTouch Configurator Updates 6.5
Bug Fixes
- Drivenshield Plus disable checkbox now successfully removes the code and UI related to Drivenshield Plus.
QTouch Library Updates 6.5
New Features
- Driven Shield and Driven Shield Plus support for SAMD51, SAME51, SAME53, and SAME54 devices added.
Bug fixes
- Fixed Touch Project lock-up issue in which post-processing might not execute. This blocks further touch measurement. This issue could occur only if the Real-Time Clock (RTC) interrupt priority is lower than PTC interrupt priority and if the binding layer is used. If the customer is not using a binding layer or has not changed the default priorities, they need not change. The fix is only in touch.c file and not inside the library. Applicable for all SAM devices. The touch.c file is updated in this version.
- PTC clock frequency update:
- Default Prescaler value for ATTiny81x, ATTiny161x, and ATTiny321x devices, is changed from PRSC_DIV_SEL_4 to PRSC_DIV_SEL_8. The new PTC Clock frequency is 1.25 MHz (20 MHz / 16).
- Included Kronocomm header file in touch.c file for ATmega devices.
QTouch Library Updates 6.4
New Features
- Driven Shield support for SAMD21, SAMDA1, SAMHA1, SAML21, and SAML22 devices added.
- Binding layer enable and disable option is supported (default option is binding layer disable).
- In self-cap node configuration, series-resistor configuration is removed.
Known Issues
- Maximum PTC clock frequency for ATtiny devices should be less than 1.5 MHz as per errata. Default START configuration is 20 MHz/8 (PRSC_DIV_SEL_4) = 2.5 MHz. To operate within the errata specification, use prescaler 8 (PRSC_DIV_SEL_8).
Release 6.3 - May 2019
QTouch Configurator Updates 6.3
New Features
- Driven Shield support using Timer Clock (TC)/Timer Counter for Control Applications (TCC) added for SAM devices (devices with PTC do not support driven shield).
- Data visualizer support for the surface project.
Bug Fixes
- Fix related to project reloading to START.
QTouch Library Updates 6.3
New Features
- Driven Shield support for SAMC21/SAMC20 devices added.
- Surface and gesture support added for ATmega324PB and ATmega328PB devices.
- Data visualizer support for the surface project.
Bug Fixes
- Input buffer is disabled for Touch pins in ATTiny to ensure that the power consumption is stable.
- Support for ATSAMC20J15A, ATSAMC21J15A, and ATSAML21G18B device is added.
- The release and copyright information on all the Touch files is updated to reflect the current release version and year.
Release 6.2 - February 2019
QTouch Configurator Updates 6.2
Bug Fixes
- Fix related to project reloading to START.
QTouch Library Updates 6.2
New Features
- Data visualizer utility is updated with Tabbed view (Basic Data, Graph, Advance Data, All Data) in the QTouch Data Visualizer display panel.
It is required that the latest version of the Atmel Data Visualizer Installer - Standalone be used.
Example Project Addition
- ATTiny3217 Xplained Pro Self Capacitance Surface Shield Example Project with QT8.
- ATSAML10 Xplained Pro Mutual Capacitance Low-power Example Project with QT3.
Release 6.1 - December 2018
QTouch Configurator Updates 6.1
New Features
- Mutual-cap Surface support added.
- Parallel acquisition.
- Features tab to provide information on supported features for the selected device.
- Minor updates:
- Gesture parameters expand the label, data streamer label update.
- Charge Share Delay (CSD) maximum value based on device.
Bug Fixes
- Driven Shield conflict with low-power in sensors tab.
- Low-power example download issue fix.
- Surface creation popup, sensor count validation.
- Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART) clock configuration fix (on pin change).
QTouch Library Updates 6.1
New Features
- Parallel Acquisition feature added for better Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) for ATtiny1614, ATtiny1616, ATtiny1617, ATtiny3214, ATtiny3216, ATtiny3217, ATSAML10, and ATSAML11 devices.
- Low-power and lump support added for additional devices: ATSAMD20, ATSAMD21, ATSAMDA1, and ATSAMHA1.
- Self-cap surface support extended to ATSAMC20, ATSAMC21, ATSAMD51, ATSAME51, ATSAME53, ATSAME54, ATSAMD10, and ATSAMD11 devices.
- Mutual-cap surface support added to ATtiny814, ATtiny816, ATtiny817, ATtiny1614, ATtiny1616, ATtiny1617, ATtiny3214, ATtiny3216, ATtiny3217, ATSAML10, ATSAML11, ATSAML21, ATSAML22, ATSAMD10, ATSAMD11, ATSAMD20, ATSAMD21, ATSAMDA1, ATSAMHA1, ATSAMD51, ATSAMC20, ATSAMC21, ATSAME51, ATSAME53, and ATSAME54 devices.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue related to Dummy handler triggering randomly when using the one-touch surface module.
- QTM_AUTOSCAN_TRIGGER_PERIOD range is corrected to proper values in START.
Known Issues
- For software-driven low power, the project is not compiled when low power feature is disabled by setting DEF_TOUCH_LOWPOWER_ENABLE to "0".
- Lump and Low-power feature with the parallel acquisition will not work correctly.
- Surface feature with the parallel acquisition will not work correctly.
- SAML10 IAR project does not compile due to SRAM linker script included by default. By changing the linker file to Flash, the project will work.
Release 6.0 - September 2018
QTouch Configurator Updates 6.0
- Lump and low-power UI design addition.
- Rubber band selection for creating lump and low-power sensors.
- Added low-power tab under parameters in QTouch Dashboard to configure low-power parameters.
QTouch Library Updates 6.0
- Low-power feature support added with event-driven and software-driven approaches.
In the event-driven approach, either a button or a lump sensor can be configured as a low-power sensor.
In the software-driven approach, multiple sensors (button, slide, wheel, lump) can be configured as low-power. - Low-power and lump features are supported for the following devices:
- ATTINY1614, ATTINY1616, ATTINY1617,
- ATTINY3214, ATTINY3216, ATTINY3217,
- ATSAML10, and ATSAML11.
- A maximum of 16 lump sensors can be created if the device has sufficient memory. If the lump is configured as low-power with an event-driven approach, the low-power detect threshold should be equal to that of the lump sensor.
Bug Fixes
- SAME54 and SAMD51: Default clock configuration in Atmel START is changed from 24 MHz to 48 MHz as recommended in the datasheet.
- SAMD1x: Acquisition module (library) is updated to ensure that bursting happens correctly on the configured Y lines.
- Surface debug data is sent again during burst to ensure that seamless data is visible in surface Graphical User Interface (GUI).
- ATTiny81x, ATtiny161x, and ATtiny321x: Acquisition module is updated to take care of a bug related to low-power sensor detect threshold (window-comparator threshold).
Release 5.2 - August 2018
QTouch Configurator Updates 5.2
- Displaying a notification for Tiny devices in GUI about the Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) for Data Visualizer from Atmel START will only work if the main oscillator fuse is set to 20 MHz.
- For Mega devices, the global interrupt is enabled by default.
- If ChargeShareDelay autotune is selected in GUI, the default value of CSD is configured to 20.
- Threshold column can be edited by the client.
QTouch Library Updates 5.2
- QTouch support is extended for the following device variants:
Known Issues and Limitations
- T3217 doesn’t compile on IAR™. This is an IAR limitation.
Release 5.1 - June 2018
QTouch Configurator Updates 5.1
- Issue in surface addition options is fixed.
- Change all (sync) parameter values in the channel with enable and disable option.
- Sensor creation count status message.
- Notifications for SAML1x GCC support, SAML11 TrustZone®, and Adjacent Key Suppression (AKS) setting.
- Timeout issue fix for table tooltips in parameters tab.
- Updated tooltips for slider/wheel configuration table.
- Scroller parameters table’s field type changed as sensor resolution and sensor deadband are changed to enums.
- Surface utility and DV direct download links added.
- Pre-scaler description for the nodes corrected.
QTouch Library Updates 5.1
- QTouch device support was added for SAML10 and SAML11 device families.
- QTouch support is extended for the following device variants:
4) SAMHA1E14AB, SAMHA1E15AB, and SAMHA1E16AB - The following Example Projects were added:
1) QTouch SAML11 Xplained Pro Self Capacitance Shield Water Tolerant Secure Touch Example with QT7 extension.
2) QTouch SAML11 Xplained Pro Mutual Capacitance Secure Touch Example with QT3 keypad extension.
3) SAML11 secure project with TrustZone middleware that should be used in association with a non-secure Touch Example Project.
4) QTouch SAML10 Xplained Pro Mutual Capacitance Touch Example with QT3 keypad extension.
5) QTouch SAML10 Xplained Pro Self Capacitance Shield Water Tolerant Touch Example with QT7 extension. - Post-processing function for Frequency Hop or Frequency Hop autotune module is called before the post-processing function of the keys module in touch.c application file.
- SCROLLER resolution and deadband parameters were modified to have enum values.
- Compensation capacitance formula in the data visualizer script file was corrected for SAME5x and SAMD51 family of devices.
Known Issues and Limitations
- IAR compiler for SAM L10 and SAM L11 family is not supported.
- Pre-configured clock system support does not work for SAME5x and D51 family Touch projects.
There are two approaches to create Touch projects in SAML11:
- SAM L11 secure Touch Example Project, where the Touch library is placed in secure memory.
- SAM L11 non-secure Touch Example Project, where the Touch library is placed in non-secure memory.
For the SAM L11 device, the QTouch Configurator by default generates a Touch Example Project with the Touch library placed in non-secure memory. To create a Touch project with the Touch library placed in secure memory, add Trustzone middleware to the project. For more details, refer to the "Generate SAML1X Touch Project" page.
Device Support
The download link below provides the list of devices supported in the QTouch Configurator 5.1 Release.
Some Useful Links
- Module changelog and version information spreadsheet
- Rel 5.1 Kit Example Projects spreadsheet
- Rel 5.1 Modular Library User's Guide
- Typical Pad Capacitance Values of Various Devices
Release 5.0 - May 2018
QTouch Configurator Updates 5.0
- Self-cap surface support for supported devices .
- Gesture support has been added .
- Notification tab has been added to let users know about various notifications while generating projects.
- Sub-tabs for tabs - Pins and Parameters .
- Clock configuration setting based on devices.
QTouch Library Updates 5.0
- QTouch Surface, QTouch Gesture, and 2D Touch Surface Utility support for the following device families under self-cap technology:
- ATtiny161x and ATtiny321x
- SAMD20, SAMD21, SAMHA1, and SAMDA1
- ATtiny817 Xpro with QT7 Touch Example Project is published with two versions:
1) Supports GNU C Compiler (GCC) and IAR with only LEDs.
2) Supports IAR only with LEDs and Data-visualizer. - Three ATtiny1617 surface and gesture Example Projects are added
1) Tiny1617 Water Tolerant Touch Surface Kit Development Kit: 1 Finger Position Tracking with LEDs.
2) Tiny1617 Water Tolerant Touch Surface Kit Development Kit: 1 and 2 Finger Gesture Detection Project with LEDs.
3) Tiny1617 Water Tolerant Touch Surface Kit Development Kit: 1 and 2 Finger Gesture Detection Project with 2D Touch Surface GUI. - Global interrupt is set by default for AVR Touch projects .
- Pre-configured clock system support added for Touch projects .
- Modules Versioning Information has been improved for better traceability .
Known Issues and Limitations
- Pre-configured clock system support does not work for SAME5x and D51 family Touch projects. You have to configure the clock manually just like in the previous releases and should click on No when the preconfigured clock settings page pops up while creating the Example Project.
- SAM (SAMD20, SAMD21, SAMDA1, SAMHA1) devices with 16 KB Flash can be built only in IAR with HIGH optimization for two-finger gesture projects.
- Existing SAMD20/SAMD21 projects build with Release 3.0 and before are unable to load in or\start. The workaround is
A) Open the atmel_start_config.atstart file which is part of .atzip project.
B) Search QTOUCH_SAM_D2x in atmel_start_config.atstart file and replace with QTOUCH_SAM_D2x_DA1_HA1. Save changes to the file.
C) Load the saved atmel_start_config.atstart file.
Device Support
The link below provides the list of devices supported in the QTouch Configurator 5.0 Release.
Some Useful Links
- Module changelog and version information
- Rel 5.0 Kit Example Projects
- Rel 5.0 Modular Library User Guide
- Pin Outs Specification Xplained Pro With Extension QTx Information
Release 4.0 Patch - Feb 2018
QTouch Configurator Updates
- None
QTouch Library Updates
- The scroller module is updated with a bug fix. The scroller's last position was reported wrongly in the last release version. This has been corrected in this patch release.
- The "away from touch detect integration" variable is renamed as "away from touch recall integration count" in the GUI .
Known Issues and Limitations
- QTouch Configurator Summary Page would report the scroller module version as the last released scroller module version .
Device Support
The link below provides the list of devices supported in the QTouch 4.0 Patch release.
Some Useful Links
Release 4.0 - Dec 2017
QTouch Configurator Updates
- QTouch Configurator has been updated for the ATtiny3214, ATtiny3216, ATtiny3217, SAML21, SAML22, SAMC20, SAMC21, and SAMHA1 set of devices.
- Mutual Cap signal matrix for pin mapping.
- 256 Button Creation in Mutual Cap in QTouch Configurator.
- Summary information tab is created which will have summary information of the project created.
- Data visualizer dashboard data logging and Compensation Calibration values display. .
QTouch Library Updates
- Added device support for the ATtiny3214, ATtiny3216, ATtiny3217, SAML21, SAML22, SAMC20, SAMC21, and SAMHA1 set of devices.
- Added Example Projects for the SAML21, SAML22, SAMC21J, SAMC21N, and ATtiny817 on Xplained Pro kits with either using the QT1, QT7 extension board, or on-board sensors.
- Data Visualizer scripts are updated so that Compensation Capacitance Values are shown in picofarads.
- Global interrupt is enabled for Tiny and Mega devices in touch_example.c file.
- touch_example.c and touch_example.h files are kept in the Example folder.
- UART Baud rate is increased to 115200 for all SAM Kit Example Projects and User Board projects.
Known Issues and Limitations
- SAMHA1G16AB, SAMHA1G15 devices are not supported in IAR QTouch Example Projects, as these are not available in the IAR version.
- ATtiny817 with QT7 IAR project does not fit into the device unless it is built in release mode with high optimization.
- RTC is generating interrupts for every 2 ms instead of 1 ms in the default User Board clock configuration. This causes touch_measurement periodicity triggering double the configured one. This is due to the 1 kHz output enable in the RTC source. When the 32 kHz RTC source is used with a compare value of 32, the interrupt generates correctly.
- PTC pads, when assigned to the USART will be removed from the PTC Mutual Pin Matrix view. If PTC pins are selected for UART, then the pins would not be shown on the mutual cap matrix pin view page.
- When using the slider module, the first reported position from the slider should be ignored after touch.
- Existing SAMD20/SAMD21 projects build with Release 3.0 is unable to load in or\start.
Device Support
The link below provides the list of devices supported in the QTouch 4.0 release.
Some Useful Links
Release 3.0 - Sep 2017
QTouch Configurator Updates
- QTouch Configurator has been updated for the SAMD20, SAMD21, SAMDA1, SAME51, SAME53, SAME54, and SAMD51 set of devices.
QTouch Library Updates
- Added device support for the SAMD20, SAMD21, SAMDA1, SAME51, SAME53, SAME54, and SAMD51 set of devices.
- Changed node group data structure for the SAMD10 and SAMD11 device families.
- Added Example Projects for the SAMD20, SAMD21, SAMDA1, and SAME54 Xplained Pro kits using the QT1 extension board.
Known Issues and Limitations
- ATSAMD21G17AU, ATSAMD21E16B, and ATSAMD21E15C devices are not supported in IAR QTouch Example Projects.
- The maximum number of configurable sensors supported by the QTouch Configurator is limited to 100 sensors. This applies to the SAMD20, D21, E54, and D51 device families having more than 32 KB flash memory.
This restriction is from the QTouch Configurator GUI, not from the firmware side.
Device Support
The following table represents a list of new devices supported by the QTouch Configurator in Release 3.0 and also provides information about the range of the number of self-capacitance and mutual capacitance buttons supported for various device families.
Release 2.0 Build 2 - June 2017
QTouch Configurator Updates
- Updated feature to gray out allocated PTC lines in the PIN selection drop-down menu.
- Updated QTouch Configurator guide on the Atmel Start User Guide.
- Updated Atmel Board Example Projects User Guide.
QTouch Library Updates
- Optimization settings of ATSAMD10 and ATSAMD11 IAR library modules are size-optimized.
- Fixed bug related to onboard QTouch buttons channel order swap in the Tiny817-XPRO kit Example Project.
- Fixed bug on SAM D10 and D11 Data streamer module code when acquisition autotune is enabled. The CSD macro comparison is removed (it does not apply to this device).
- UART Baud rate changed to 115200 for all SAM User Board and Kit Example Projects.
Release 2.0 Build 1 - May 2017
Device Support
The following table represents a list of devices supported by the QTouch Configurator and the maximum number of self-capacitance and mutual capacitance buttons supported for each device.
- The maximum number of self-capacitance buttons and mutual capacitance buttons is derived based on QTouch Modular Library RAM requirements.
- The PTC lines can be multiplexed to be used as either X or Y lines. This is considered when deriving the maximum number of mutual capacitance buttons.
New Features
- Slider and Wheel
- Driven Shield without dedicated pin support
- Frequency Hop without autotune support
Known Issues and Limitations
- For ATtiny81x devices, the QTouch Configurator project export of only IAR Embedded Workbench is supported.
- For ATtiny81x devices, when using Slider or Wheel sensors, using QTouch Configurator, both Frequency Hop and Data Visualizer features cannot be enabled together in a project, this will result in code memory overflow. Either one of the features should be disabled for the Touch Example Project to fit within device code memory.
- For ATtiny161x devices, PB4 (Y13/X13) CAN be used as PTC X or Y line pin. However, this is NOT visible through the QTouch Configurator.
- The following devices are NOT supported in
- ATtiny1614-SSNR, ATtiny1614-SSFR – SOIC
- ATtiny1616-MNR, ATtiny1616-MFR – QFN (ATtiny1616 SOIC package is supported)
Contact Design Support if a QTouch project is required for these devices.
Bug Fixes
Release 1.0 – November 2016
Device Support
The following table represents a list of devices supported by the QTouch Configurator.
- Buttons
- Driven Shield
- Frequency Hop with autotune
Known Issues and Limitations
- For ATtiny81x devices, the QTouch Configurator project export of only IAR Embedded Workbench is supported.