Touch Sensing

Microchip's award winning technology covers a broad range of implementations for touch and other input sensing applications. At Microchip we open up our algorithms and techniques to engineers, so that they can have the freedom to innovate with an industry leading, robust, touch implementation on our vast range of PIC microcontrollers. Engineers get the benefit of an ever expanding product portfolio that delivers various performance levels, peripheral mixes, eXtreme Low Power (XLP), small packaging, and unique technologies such as Metal over Capacitive and Three Dimensional position and Gesture sensing.

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 Projects and Examples

 Frequently Asked Questions

What is the measurement resolution for touch coordinates in the mTouch™ ARxxxx Series?
What are the base PIC® microcontrollers used in the ARxxxx Series?
Is Metal Over Capacitive (MOC) technology applicable to MTCHxxx and CAP1xxx?
How do I update the MCG3030 firmware?
Where do I find support for the TSHARC and AR1000 Series of touch controllers?
Software Library Support - Capacitive Touch Example Codes
How do we get started developing our own driver for the AR1100?
GestIC® Technology - Can I place some components on the Rx layer?
Does the MGC3030/MGC3130 come from the factory with pre-loaded firmware?
GestIC® Technology- Simultaneously Detecting Touch and Swipe Gestures
I²C Address Setting for CAP1114
How to Decode the Recorded Excel Data From MTCH6303 Utility
Does the AR1100 driver support QNX?
Capacitive Sense Module Initialization
CAP1xxx GUI v2.0.1 Installer
Recommended material thickness for CAP11xx modules
What is the purpose of the UPDD driver for AR1100?
When should I install the AR1100 driver?
Can an RF transmission controller be placed between the four electrodes of an MGC3X30?
GestIC® Technology - Can I use multiple MGC3130 chips in a single design?
What should be done with unused cap sense channels on MTCH10x?
Is there a difference between an MTCH101 and MTCH102 device besides pin and sensor count?
Capacitive Touch Controller (CAP1166) Linux® Driver
AR1100 fails to connect while using the configuration software
AR1100 - Can I use an oscillator in place of the crystal?
AR1021 - What type of ratiometric conversion do Microchip touch controllers use?
2D Touch - What is the maximum size of the ITO sensor that the DV102014 (MTCH6303) supports?
Which Atmel touch devices are suitable for safety critical applications? - (QTouch® Safety Library) - AVR® / SAM devices
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