This page provides information on using the Data Visualizer tool to view and debug QTouch® technology data.
- Data Visualizer: Download
Enable Debug
Ensure that the 'Enable Data Streamer' option is selected while generating the QTouch project from Atmel START.
Detailed information on how to generate a QTouch project in Atmel START can be read from the "Generate User Board Touch Project".
Import Project
After downloading the package from Atmel START, generate the project using Atmel Studio 7 or IAR.
- Procedure to generate project using Atmel Studio 7
- Procedure to generate project using IAR
Program the generated .hex file to the device.
Open Data Visualizer.
Serial Port Control Panel
The Xplained Pro Kits support Data Gateway Interface (DGI) and virtual COM Port Interface in order to transmit data from kits to Data Visualizer. In QTouch projects, debug data is sent through the serial interface (COM Port).
Expand the Serial Port Control Panel by doing a double-click on the 'Serial Port Control Panel' title bar.
Select COM Port
In the Serial Port Control Panel:
- Select the 'EDBG Virtual COM Port (COMxx)' (If multiple Xplained Pro kits are connected, disconnect other Xplained Pro kits to identify correct COM Port).
- Uncheck the 'Open Terminal' check-box and select 'Autodetect Protocol'.
- Click Connect
The Data Visualizer tool automatically checks for data on 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 500000, 1000000 and 2000000 baud rates.
Configuration Files
Verify whether .ds, .db, .sc files are present in the ../qtouch/datastreamer/ folder. The Data Visualizer configuration files will be present in the ../qtouch/datastreamer/ folder ONLY if the Atmel START extension version is or above is used in Atmel Studio. If these files are not present, update the Atmel START extension as follows:
- Open Atmel Studio 7.
- Select Tools > Extension Manager.
- In Extension Manager window, click Installed > All.
- Select 'Atmel START' extension from the list and click Update.
After Updating the extension create the project again using the .atzip package, program, and continue.
Data Visualizer will prompt you to select the folder containing the configuration information if there was no folder selected before. Configuration files are stored as part of the project source files. Browse the ../qtouch/datastreamer/ project folder and select 'Select Folder'. The selected folder will be saved by Data Visualizer. It may be necessary to change this folder location when you want to view data of another/updated project. If you would like to change the path, you can click on Autodetect Protocol.