Wired Communications

Industrial communications are at the heart of automated systems. Numerous defined standards exist and continue to grow as new applications and protocols emerge.

Microchip offers a broad portfolio of wired communication interface products that meet the needs of a variety of automotive and industrial applications:

USB Versatile, cost-effective and power-efficient USB smart hubs, bridges, switches, transceivers, port power controllers, and USB-C™ power delivery controllers deliver industry-leading performance with unique technologies to enhance your products and applications.
Ethernet As a reliable, worldwide supplier with expertise in Ethernet, we offer long-term solutions and support for a complete portfolio of Ethernet products that can quickly enable your Ethernet connectivity needs.
CAN FD We offer a complete line of products to meet the needs of high-performance embedded applications using the CAN FD protocol, including 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit microcontrollers and 16-bit Digital Signal Controllers (DSCs) with integrated CAN, stand-alone CAN controllers, CAN I/O expanders, and CAN transceivers.
LIN LIN enables OEMs to design cleaner, safer, smarter and more efficient vehicles while addressing design challenges such as lower system cost, lower power consumption, and weight reduction. We offer a range of products and development tools to provide a complete and reliable LIN design solution.
MOST® Microchip is a leading provider of Media Oriented Systems Transport (MOST®), the de-facto standard for high-bandwidth automotive multimedia networking. MOST can be used to connect multiple consumer devices via optical or electrical physical layers directly to one another or in a network configuration.

 Self-Paced Training

The material in these training modules exists elsewhere on this site in a general reference format. However, the training modules present it in an organized, step-by-step sequence to help you learn the topic from the ground up.

Tutorial / Class Title

 Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my MCP2200 driver not loaded in Windows®?
The Difference Between KSZ8051RNLUB and RNLU
Why is the parity bit always set to '1' on MCP2221 and the data wrongly reported to UART?
What is the newest Linux® driver for LAN9514?
USB3740 - Are there IBIS models for USB switches?
USB251xB/xBi - What is the required drive level of the 24 MHz crystal?
USB2517 - Can I use the default VID and PID of this hub for mass production?
USB2514 - Do I need to enable battery charging on downstream ports if the USB devices are bus-powered?
USB Hub - Can USB 2.0 hub work at full-speed only?
MCP2515, RXM Bits Clarification
MCP2221 DLL v2.0 / 2.1 - Linker Error LNK2019
MCP2210 DLL (v2.0) - Exception in Mcp2210_GetConnectedDevCount() function
MCP2200 / MCP2221(A) - Do I need to install USB drivers in Windows® 10 ?
LAN9303 - RMII Interface and Software
LAN9252 - Can I Increase the EtherCAT® Payload?
LAN88730 Center Tap Transformers Not Recommended To Have Ferrite Bead and Resistor
LAN8810 - Reference Design Schematic Revision 1.1 - CONFIG3 Connection Clarification
LAN8710A - Driver for Windows® CE 5 and 6
KSZ9031RNX Polarity Reversal Feature - What are the important things to keep in mind?
KSZ9031RNX - What is the recommended series capacitive coupling for an external 25 MHz reference clock?
KSZ9031 - Maximum Crystal Series Resistance
KSZ8895 VDDAR - Can I use an external 1.2 V LDO with the KSZ8895?
KSZ8081 PHY - Capacitors Between Magnetics and PHY
KSZ8081 - Software Reset Timing Specification Details
How do you terminate unused TX/RX pairs when using magnetics for only one pair?
How do you grant PHY address when 32 PHYs are attached on same MDC/MDIO?
How do you connect USB pins of a PIC® microcontroller when not using the on-chip USB function?
How do you connect the USBID pin in a USB hardware design?
How do you choose an Oscillator that satisfies Reference Clock (REFCLK) requirements for Hi-Speed USB 2.0 transceivers?
How can I modify the IP address in the TCP/IP Lite stack?
How can I connect an I²C device to USB?
Does KSZ8995 need a unique MAC address with EEPROM?
Documentation - How can I set the VID/PID through the HID interface for MCP2200?
Do the KSZ8041, KSZ8051, KSZ8061 and KSZ8081 Ethernet PHYs have the voltage mode transmit drivers?
DM990004 - Changing/Moving from Ethernet to Wireless
Development Tools/Demo Boards - EVB LAN9252 - Noisy Interrupt Pin Input Signal
Debugging with the Low Pin Count USB Development Kit
Where can I find the binary file with the default EEPROM settings for LAN9730?
Where can I buy a MAC address for my device?
What is the suggested evaluation board for the KSZ8794 device?
Using the KSZ8895 in Unmanaged Mode
Using MCP2200/2221 on Linux® OS
USB5537B - Is programming external SPI EEPROM via JTAG possible?
USB Code Example for PIC18F4550
Transformerless Configuration of Ethernet Switches
I received a USB VID and PID via the USB sub-licensing program, what's next?
ENCx24J600 MPLAB® Harmony Driver - Support for IRQ from the PHY to the Micro
Default PHY Address for KSZ9031RNX
What should be done with the PSPCFG0 pin when the ENC424J600 is in SPI mode?
What is the capacitive coupling for KSZ8795CLX?
What can I do when MCP2221 doesn't work on Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® 6.2 (RH6.2)?
Selecting an Oscillator for MCP2515
PHY Magnetics for KSZ9031 - Migration from KSZ9021
MCP2515 Code Examples
MCP2221 - Serial Number Configuration
Looking for External CAN FD Controller with SPI Interface
Latency for LAN8820
LAN8810/LAN8810i - 25 MHz Clock Oscillator Selection Considerations
LAN8810 - TXCLK Pin State During 1000BASE-T Operation
LAN8740A - Ethernet PHY Wake-on-LAN (WOL) Feature Clarification
LAN8720A - Reset Signal Rise Time and Fall Time Requirement
KSZ8873 - Switch State At Power On
KSZ8863 - Ethernet Switch ESD Issue Mitigation
Is it possible to do a CAN bootloader for PIC32?
How can I send an extended identifier using the CAN Bus Analyzer?
How can I protect my device from Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)?
Do I need a unique PID for "MLA USB HID joystick" application?
Why does LAN89730 smsc95xx.c driver code reset the device twice, in probe and open?
What is the cable length for the LAN9252 EtherCAT device?
The PIC32 I²S™ LRCK signal is changing on the rising edge. How can I change it on the falling edge?
PIC18F25K80 - I²C Stops Working in an Interrupt Driven System
How can I run my USB Project in debug mode without being disconnected from the host when being halted?
Ethernet PHY - Transformerless Application Notes for Microchip's KSZ and LAN Devices
dsPIC33/PIC24 - ECAN Transmission Doesn't Work
Does the MCP2221 have a DTR signal ?
PIC® Device USB Host - Where do you connect the Vbus pin?
New Replacement or Migration for an Old KSZ Part
Is it possible to use a USB Bridge device with MPLAB® Harmony USB host to access an SD card?
Can the MCP2210 be interfaced to a USB HID device?
Micrel PHY - LED blink error or activity
Can I use a single USB On-The-Go (OTG) connection for simultaneous host and device roles?
Can an internal oscillator be used in ECAN™ module?
Are there any command line interface (CLI) tools for programming the USB553x?
Why do some KSZ8851SNL devices fail to link upon a power cycle?
Which PIC® can I use to implement RS485 Modbus®?
Where can I find the Proxy Library for the ENC28J60?
CAN bus controller FIFO Error
CAN bus analyzer application source code
Building the MCP250xx Project in MPLAB® X IDE
MCP2561 - What is the maximum number of CAN nodes supported?
Bus Timeout Error in LIN Serial Analyzer Debug Tool v3.0.0
APGDT002 - Does the CAN Bus Analyzer Tool support J1939?
After changing USB VID and PID the MLA/Harmony demo doesn't work properly. What's wrong?
KSZ9031 - Is INT_T pin open drain?
Where can I find the driver for USB HUBs ?
What does the 'S' after the date code on the KSZ8081 mean?
Interface a dsPIC® to a LAN9352 via SPI
In an application where a USB hub is an add-on card, how can I terminate the upstream port if disabled?
Eqcologic Product Support
Does the MCP22xx DLL driver support USB selective suspend?
Does the LAN9500A have drivers for the Raspbian Linux® OS for Raspberry Pi?
Can the KSZ family of devices (particularly KSZ8041) operate with a reference clock slower than 25 MHz?
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