Wireless Communications

Microchip offers a broad portfolio of wireless solutions which are cost effective and very easy to implement. Depending on your application requirements, you can choose the product that fits your needs from our various transmitters, receivers, transceivers and agency certified modules for IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee®, Bluetooth®, ISM Band Sub-GHz and IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi®.

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 Self-Paced Training

The material in these training modules exists elsewhere on this site in a general reference format. However, the training modules present it in an organized, step-by-step sequence to help you learn the topic from the ground up.

Tutorial / Class Title

 Frequently Asked Questions

Why is RN2903 dropping packets?
What is the iOS App for the RN4870 sensor board?
What is the data throughput for Bluetooth®?
RN4677 Will Not Transmit Data Over the UART TX Pin
Is the RN4020 module 5 V tolerant?
I don't want to pay the subscription for LoRaWAN™. What's the alternative?
How do you establish connection for dual mode modules using BLE with iPhone, avoiding MFi license or APL version?
How do you control a BM62/BM64 module via standard HCI?
Where can I get the latest firmware for RN171 and how can I upgrade it?
RN42/RN41 - USB and SPI bus usage
How to get started with the BM20 Evaluation Board?
How can I remotely configure the RN1723 / RN131 / RN171?
Other RN240 Firmware Available
LoRa® RN2483 - Do we have access to all the necessary hardware registers?
Discovering Wi-Fi® Direct Peers
Differences between LoRa® PICtail™ and LoRa Mote
My LoRa Mote Does Not Connect to the Network
How to Save Frame Counters in EEPROM for RN2483 Module
Can two RN2483 (or RN2903) modules communicate point-to-point (P2P) without a gateway?
Does the RN1810 support ad hoc mode?
Can the RN41 module manage multiple connections?
BLE stack - No scan results after scan command
How does the MLDP/CMD pin affect the operation of an RN4020 module?
How do I upgrade firmware in the RN4x module?
How can I achieve the highest throughput from the RN4x module? What throughput is possible?
How do I restore factory defaults to the RN4x module?
Are the analog inputs of the RN4x available for sensor usage?
How can I put the module into a test mode for FCC or another type of certification?
I purchased the RN-42-APL-EVAL kit in the past, where can I obtain the latest documentation?
Can I purchase the RN4xAPL module? Where is the documentation?
Does the RN4xAPL module support both iOS® and Android™ connections?
Is the RN4x module supported by iOS® and Android™ devices?
How do I put the RN4020 module into an Observer role to receive advertising data packet?
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