The Improved Version of MPLAB® Xpress

The new MPLAB® Xpress is Microchip's web-based programming environment that allows you to develop applications from within a browser. MPLAB Xpress shares many of the same features as the downloadable, fully-featured MPLAB X IDE. Both softwares support developing applications for Microchip PIC® MCUs, dsPIC® Digital Signal Controllers (DSCs), AVR® MCUs, and SAM MCUs.

Click image to enlarge.

MPLAB Xpress is cloud-based and provides:

  • Simplified IDE to get started
  • No software installation required
  • Simulate now – no board necessary
  • Available Bridge interface to MPLAB Snap, MPLAB PICkit™ 4, MPLAB PICkit 5, and Curiosity and Curiosity Nano boards
  • Use existing myMicrochip login credentials to save work in the cloud
  • Evaluate versions of the MPLAB XC compilers hosted in MPLAB Xpress
  • Git repository support for access to new and imported projects
  • MPLAB Code Configurator support
    • MCC_Icon.png MCC is a free, graphical programming environment that generates seamless, easy-to-understand C code to be inserted into your project.
  • MPLAB Discover support
    • Discover_Icon.png This application is an example project browser for all Microchip devices that conveniently lets you browse, select, and/or download examples using intuitive categories and search terms.

See the "Release Notes" (Help > Release Notes) for information on the latest features and other information.

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