MPLAB® Xpress Introduction

MPLAB® Xpress IDE is an abbreviated version of MPLAB X IDE that lives in the cloud. To launch MPLAB Xpress, an active internet connection and a computer running a browser are required. To access it, you can navigate to the IDE's home page.

You will see the MPLAB Xpress screen appear with several menu options at the top.


INTRODUCTION: This selection returns you to the main MPLAB Xpress screen.

EXAMPLES: This selection opens a new window that shows the list of example projects available to help get you started.

IDE: This selection launches the MPLAB Xpress Integrated Development Environment (IDE). This will also automatically open when you select "open" on one of the example projects in the EXAMPLES menu selection.

FORUM: This selection takes you to the forums to see discussions from other users.

WIKI: This selection takes you to this site (other areas of the one you are presently on) with helpful tips and tricks for using MPLAB Xpress, MPLAB X, MPLAB XC Compilers, and other technical training related to Microchip's family of products.

DESIGN SUPPORT: This selection links to the Microchip design support page with the option to open a tech support ticket directly with Microchip's 24/7 support team.

DOWNLOAD MPLAB X: This selection links to the full-featured, downloadable version of the MPLAB X IDE.

myMicrochip Login: This selection opens the login screen to enter your personal space on the MPLAB Xpress cloud. This will save the projects you've worked on within MPLAB Xpress.

 MPLAB® Xpress Introduction Video

This video introduces MPLAB® Xpress as described above.

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